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▐▓▌ │┌───────────── ───── ─── ─ ─ ─── ───── ────────┐│ ▐▓▌
█ █ ││ RippeR.: 41ST Streetdate...: 000-00-0000 ││ █ █
▐▓▌ ││ LabeL..: n/a Release SizE.: 120,6 MB ││ ▐▓▌
█ ││ EncodeR: LAME 3.90 TrackS.......: 25 ││ █
▐▓▌ ││ BitratE: 44,1Khz SourcE.......: CDDA ││ ▐▓▌
█ █ ││ Genre..: Hip-Hop Supplier.....: 41ST ││ █ █
█ █ ││ Year...: 2004 Date.........: Dec-03-2004 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ Type...: Album MyReleaseNo..: 6 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ Playtime.....: cd1: 41:36 cd2: 46:01 │ █ █
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▐▓▌ │┌───────────── ───── ─── ─ ─ ─── ───── ────────┐│ ▐▓▌
▐▓▌ │└───────────── ───── ─── ─ ─ ─── ───── ────────┘│ ▐▓▌
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▐▓▌ │┌───────────── ───── ─── ─ ─ ─── ───── ────────┐│ ▐▓▌
█ █ ││ . cd1 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ . ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 01. intro 01:50 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 02. a message to the feds,sincerely,we the people 02:15 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 03. nazareth savage 02:41 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 04. american way ft. kelis 04:09 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 05. these are our heroes 04:22 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 06. disciple 03:00 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 07. sekou story ft. scarlett 02:56 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 08. live now ft. scarlett 04:30 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 09. rest of my life 03:50 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 10. just a moment ft. quan 04:23 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 11. reason ft. emily 04:47 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 12. you know my style 02:53 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ . ││ █ █
█ █ ││ . cd2 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ . ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 01. suicide bounce ft. busta rhymes 03:57 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 02. street's disciple ft. olu dara 03:57 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 03. u.b.r. (unauthorized biography of rakim) 03:38 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 04. virgo ft. ludacris and doug e. fresh 03:27 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 05. remember the times (intro) 00:51 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 06. remember the times 03:24 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 07. the making of a perfect bitch 03:15 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 08. getting married 03:46 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 09. no one else in the roomft. maxwell 05:08 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 10. bridging the gap ft. olu bara 03:56 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 11. war ft. keon bryce 04:17 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 12. me and you (dedicated to destiny) 03:26 ││ █ █
█ █ ││ 13. thief's theme 02:59 ││ █ █
▐▓▌ ││ ─ ─── ───── ────────┤│ ▐▓▌
█ ││ ││ █
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█ █ │▐▓▒░ ░░░█▄█ █ █ █ █ █ █▄█ █ █ █■ █ █ █ ▀▄░░░ ░▒▓▌│ █ █
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█ │┌───────────── ───── ─── ─ ─ ─── ───── ────────┐│ █
▐▓▌ ││ ││ ▐▓▌
█ █ ││ 41ST originated from FFS (Fourty First Side). ││ █ █
▐▓▌ ││ 41ST brings the raw music from the streets of QB ││ ▐▓▌
█ ││ "QueensBridge" (Queens, NewYork) and many other artists. ││ █
▐▓▌ ││ We're here to stay and hope to be respected as many other groups. ││ ▐▓▌
█ █ ││ Our Aim's on music is mostly: Underground Rap & Hip-Hop ││ █ █
▐▓▌ ││ SO FU*K YOU R&B HEADS !!!! ││
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